Below you will find what will most likely be my last 15mm effort. I was given the opportunity to help put together a big "All-In-One 15mm Zombie kit" for the Toys For Tots Charity Gaming Auction that will be held at "Fall-In" this year. I want to thank TMP's "Moe the Great" for all the work he's doing on this auction. I can tell just from the stuff I've seen him coordinating on TMP, that he really cares about this cause. THANK YOU! And thank you for letting me be a part of it! I painted up a whole mess of survivors and "Moe" was painting up a Zombie Horde, a terrain mat, and some terrain pieces. Since I'm getting out of 15mm, on top of painting up the new stuff, I am also throwing in a bunch of pieces from my collection before I sell it all off. On top of all of that, the guys over at Iron Ivan Games donated a copy of "No More Room In Hell". Our hope is that this will be the total package for anyone wanting to get into Zombie gaming or a huge expansion for anyone who feels like they never could have enough Zombie stuff.

Some Rebel Minis Bikers, In fact ALL of the minis that I painted for the auction were donated by Mike at Rebel Minis. He's a good dude. Buy lots of stuff at:


Various Survivors

More Survivors and Civilians

These are some guys that I had painted already from my current collection. I'm going heavy on Law Enforcement. The Zombies aren't gonna know what hit them.

I'm throwing 30 of my zombies in the mix too. You can NEVER have too many zombies.

Here are vehicles to populate the city including some of my geared up zombie hunting vehicles...and a milk truck.

And finally the buildings that will be in the auction.

So if you are at "Fall-In" this year I highly encourage to to come out and swipe up some great miniatures and help out a great cause. From the looks of it there is going to be a TON of great stuff to be had.
Below is the original call for help showing some of the great items that will be up for grabs:
More info on Toys for Tots:
Thanks for looking!
Wow, I wish I could get to Fall In! I wonder if they'll do online bidding?
ReplyDeleteMongo - what do you base your 15mm figures on? Are those pennies?
They're little steel washers I get at the little mom and pop hardware store in town. They're about the diameter of a dime. They work nicely and stick to the magnetic sheet I put in my carrying trays. I don't know how the auction with operate. You can try to reach out to "MoeTheGreat" if you are on TMP though.
ReplyDeleteThat looks awesome, your 15mm Survivors look like 28s! Nice job.
ReplyDeleteVery cool, Mongo!
ReplyDeleteMongo, thanks for helping us out. We appreciate all of your hard work. Along with these minis there will be 75 other zombies a Matt to play on, rules, dice and everything you need for a game.
ReplyDeleteThanks again Mongo!!
Santa Moe